Pet care online

You have the ability to easily book and cancel services online. Adding multiple visits or walks to any service request. Visit or walk times can be varied as required and notes may be added. You will receive email confirmation.

These services requests  will show in your own online schedule with the status “requested”. We will then review and approve your request and after processing, services appear in your own diary as “scheduled”.

On arrival to see to your pet we will log in and show our GPS location, likewise when we leave, this is in real time and can give reassurance to anxious owners that their pets needs have been seen to in thier absence.

Should you have any specific request for each visit that may change, you can add or delete these request in the online portal, so when we arrive at your home, we know what your pets needs are that day.

If your pet is being taken out, we will post pictures and details of their exploits into your account for you to view.

Payment for services is either Credit Card or Pay Pal with your invoices available in your account.